The Relay ministry as we know it today was birthed from a God-given vision of a fireball coursing through the college campuses in Rice Lake, WI, igniting revival as it moved through the halls. Our Senior Pastors, Pastor Bob and Pastor Char Pittman, yearned to see the young adults of this region set on fire for Jesus, so they trusted two passionate young adults to begin the Relay young adults ministry.
In June of 2013, Relay was launched with the purpose of seeing the young adults of our region saved, discipled, and empowered to repeat the process wherever they go. From 2013 to the present, Relay has grown through the power of prayer, friendship evangelism, outreach events, and more. We currently have three young adult cells planted in the Rice Lake and Chippewa Valley areas. Our cells meet weekly to encounter God and to bring transformation to the young adults in our region.